SQ | EN | SR

Notification Form

Entering into Electronic Communication activities

The Authority shall proceed with the review of the Notification Form only after the completion of the File and shall inform the entrepreneur for placement in the Registry Notice within 5 (five) working days from the day of completion of the Notice

  • filter_1Data on the enterprise

    1.1 - Company Name *

    1.2 - Business registration number *

    1.3 - Fiscal number *

    1.4 - Legal form of the business *

    1.5 - Address *

    1.6 - City *

    1.7 - Telephone number *

    1.8 - Fax number

    Please fill the required fields!

  • filter_2Login information

    Ju lutem mbani në mend të dhënat që i vendosni më poshtë! Email dhe Fjalëkalimi do të përdoren për casje në platformën elektronike të ARKEP Autoritetit. Në momentin që Ndermarrja juaj Autorizohet për operim të Komunikimeve Elektronike në Kosovë, këto të dhëna do të jenë kredencialet për casje në platformë.

    E-mail *

    Password *

    Confirm password *

    Please fill the required fields!

  • filter_3Information about legally responsible official

    2.1 - Official's name *

    2.2 - Address *

    2.3 - Telephone number *

    2.4 - Fax number

    2.5 - E-mail *

    2.6 - Identification number *

    Please fill the required fields!

  • filter_4Acticities being notified
    No. Activity Type
    1. Provision of fixed public network

    2. Provision of fixed public services

    3. Provision of public mobile network

    4. Provision of mobile public services

    5. Provision of leased lines

    6. Provision of public networks with satellite broadcast
    7. Provision of satellite public services
    8. Provision of data transmission services (Internet)
    9. Provision of value added services

    Please choose at least one type to activities which you are notifying!

  • filter_5Description of the activity and provision phase

    Description of the network and/or service to be provided: (Provide detailed descriptions for each activity notified by specifying:
    • Will it be used the own network or any other network
    • The technology that will be used
    • Radio frequencies, which are planned to be used
    • The list of services that are planned to be offered)

    Provision Phase:
    (Specify the time envisaged for commencement of the electronic communications activity)

    Please fill the required fields!

  • filter_6Attached documents

    Logo of company


    Copy of the business registration *


    Copy of the fiscal number certificate *


    Copy of the document ‘Information on the business *


    Please attach the required files!

  • filter_7Confirmation of the notice

    The enterprise requires to issue the certificate of confirmation of notice for providing networks and/or public services of electronic communications notified through this form:

    Please confirm this notice!

  • filter_8Legal obligations

    Please fill out the legal obligations!